PFCA Exit Reader Mode

Field Trip: African-American Heritage: Destiny

PFCA staff and students will have the opportunity to attend an African-American Heritage performance entitled “Destiny,” written by Roosevelt Wright, Jr. at the Tab-A-Torium on February 13, 2020.

“Destiny” is a moving drama based on three Monroe youth who grew to be adults whose lives touched millions: Bill Russell (NBA Great); Huey P. Newton (Founder of the Black Panther Party), and Pershing Foster (Renown surgeon and son of Madison James Foster) The acting, singing, dancing, and comedy of the play will help your child learn more about our heritage and improve their knowledge of the theater at the same time.

*Students are to wear red uniform shirts and khaki bottoms.
Tennis Shoes Only*

 Click Here to print the permission slip
Please understand that if your child, for any reason, cannot attend there will be no refund.